Resident Online Parking Permits
Township of Oro-Medonte
Please enter your full name as it appears on your Driver's License
First Name
Last Name
Please enter your email address
Please enter your full Oro-Medonte address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please specify if you are a:
Property owner/resident (Note: residents of the peroperty MUST include proof of residency at an Oro-Medonte address)
Please submit 1 required document that shows proof of address:
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Example: driver's license, utility or water bill from within the last 60 days, cell phone bill, tax bill from current year
Please upload ONE vehicle ownership document (the green permit that is provided when your vehicle is registered with Service Ontario). Please submit a second application for additional vehicles.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
For each license plate you are registering please ensure the owner's name, license plate number and address are visible.
By selecting "Agree", you agree to the use of the information you have provided, by the Municipality of Oro-Medonte and its affiliates to use this information to process your application
This form may contain personal information as defined under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information is collected under the legal authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 c.25, as amended and will be used for establishing eligibility for Resident Parking Permits. Questions regarding this collection may be directed to the Township's FOI Office, 149 Line 7 South, Oro-Medonte, ON L0L 2E0 (705)487-2171
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